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Cyber Skills Stories

We recognize that everyone’s pathway to a job they love is a little different. With the help of our partners, we’re able to offer accessible high-impact career training that leads more Tulsans into the tech workforce.

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Ben Jeffries

Where skill meets opportunity

Ben Jeffries had a successful career as an aircraft mechanic, but a severe back injury and years of rehab meant it was time for a career transition. Considering himself a tech hobbyist, Jeffries found the Cyber Skills Center to be just the right fit, earning an apprenticeship with Conquest Cyber upon graduation that has since turned into a full-time career.

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Ben Jeffries

Cybersecurity Graduate

Data Analytics Graduate

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I've always been interested in computers, and have built my families' computers since I was a teen. Getting into Cybersecurity would expand my skillset in the trade and perhaps make me marketable in the IT field. I love finding the flaw and polishing it to perfection. I believe that the world of computers will only become more important as we journey further into the world of robotics, and security in that world will be paramount as automation takes over more of our daily lives.


Studied at

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Isabella Taylor

When life hands you lemons, become a Data Analyst

Isabella Taylor is a graduate of our Data Analytics program and a recent cancer survivor. Isabella attended the Cyber Skills Center during her treatment but didn’t let it stop her from excelling in the program and landing a job as a Data Analyst at LexisNexis Risk Solutions. Taylor intends to continue her education at OSU, one of our academic transfer partners.

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Isabella Taylor

Cybersecurity Graduate

Data Analytics Graduate

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I have chosen the Data Analytics program because I am interested in starting a career in Data Science. I am a very curious person and have dabbled in Excel and SQL.


Studied General Studies at Tulsa Community College

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Moses Athias

It’s never too late to launch your dream career

Moses Athias had been wanting to break into cybersecurity for over a decade. While he’d earned his associate’s degree in computer science, completed an IT certificate program, and worked help desk jobs, Moses had been unable to fully transition into cyber — until he found the Cyber Skills Center.

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Moses Athias

Cybersecurity Graduate

Data Analytics Graduate

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What excites me the most about Cybersecurity is using all the fascinating security technologies to fortify a system to prevent and detect cyber attacks. For me, Cybersecurity is more than a career; it is a passion. Reducing cyber attacks would allow the community to save substantially while reinforcing the protection of data its consumers deserve. This program would afford me the freedom to break through socioeconomic barriers that have previously stunted my ability to advance the tech skills necessary to pursue my goals.


Associates Degree

Studied Computer Science at Essex County College

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Valerie Grannemann-Barber

Career shifts made possible through online upskilling

Valerie Grannemann-Barber was ready for something new when she began attending the Cyber Skills Center’s Data Analytics program. After a rewarding career working with terminal children with special needs, Grannemann-Barber decided it was time to dive into the analytical side of healthcare.

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Valerie Grannemann-Barber

Cybersecurity Graduate

Data Analytics Graduate

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I'm interested in how the data is put together to create useful skills and knowledge in the Healthcare or business industry. I recently took a Statistics class and found myself intrigued and wanting to learn more.


Associates Degree

Studied Pre-Nursing Studies at Tulsa Community College

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